yesterday i've got one phone call from malacca...said that they received my resume and happy to invite me to join their team. fuuhhhh...memule dgr cam besh jek..'dr melaka', 'nk amek keje'...i WAS excited. hehhehe
then she ask me 'how much your pay now'..i said ****...and she was a bit screaming ask me how i can get that pay because i only have diploma and only 2years experience. i said alhamdulillah..dh org nk bg..muahhahahha
it was my turn to ask her back 'how much u will pay me'..she said *** and she can persuade her boss to give me ****..but her '****' is damn lower than my '****'..
she tried to convince me that i will get a lot of benefit when i'm there and ask me to choose what field that i'm more interested. .am i really interested with this field?
before that i did say it doesn't matter with salary but then i changed my answer, salary is really a matter for me..hahhahaha..but until this moment i have not call the 'phone interviewer' to say that i'm not interested with the offer.
now i'm realize that i need job not carrier..dlm melayu nye aku mncari kerja bukan karier..kerja dan karier 2 perkara yg berbeza wlupon kite melakukan benda yg same. aku suke dtg kerja, buat kerja,amek aku xrase pon yg aku puas ngn pe yg aku wat..kenape?? sbb mmg dlm pale otak aku ni xpenah minat pon ngn benda yg aku tgh wat tu..aku wat sbb tu tanggungjawab aku pd kerja yg dh dibg pd aku..
aku slalu suh 'abg jem' rekemen aku msk CTRM..what is CTRM?? kilang wat sayap kapal terbang and it's half government. the workers will get same benefit with government workers. aku tanye 'abg jem' nape de xkeje jek kt situ..lg kate keje kt sane xdpt kepuasan yg de nk.
wooo..that's we call least he knows what is his interest. me? i never know what is work satisfaction. so sad..
tunang aku ckp 'awk keje la kl smpi kite kawen..lps kawen awk rase nk benti, benti la..dok umah kite wat bisnes same2'..muhahhaahha..tegelak aku dengo..aku ni bkn brani nk bokak bisnes..lgpon aku tade passion kt aku bisnes ni memenat kn..
selera serumah
7 years ago
oit! 1st of all, its career la mek, bukan carrier.*xmo marah haa. tegur sajep. peace!*
hooo.. kerja n kerjaya ye.. utk aku yg xde keje lg ni, xleh nak komen pjg lah eh? hahahaha~ tp dlm situasi ko ni, aku rs ko tgh kerja bukan bkerjaya. hohohoh.. mo tau nape aku ckp cmtu? haaa.. meh aa tnye aku..
ooo karen ku...hukhukhuk..aku asek ingt kn ko jek tao x..sbb aku masehh xbule msk blog ko..
aku slh eja ekk..hehehheeh..maklom la kt blog tade spelling correction cam kt words..muhahhaha
haaiiihh.. aku xphm knp ko xleh bukak blog aku.. link ade kan? aku rs mmg sbb ofis ko tenet dia lembab aa.. lmbt loading grafik yg ade kt page aku tu, sbb tu ko xleh bc dowh..
hohohoh.. nk bt cmne check konpius.. redha je laa.. weh, bile tarikh sanding ko? aku mo letak kt blog ni. hehehehe~
syok gak ape yg ko tulis ni nok...
tp mcm ak kan..memule ak pon rse ini sume tugasan yg rutin yg ak harus kan nok...bile bos ak ckp kat ak yg dia yakin ngn ak sbb tahap kerja ak 1:3 org pekerja..ak rase cam..hepi sgt..sbb ape ak wat org nampak (actly ak x minx pon org nmpak)
then bos ak pon hargai ak...n yg paling ak satisfied adalah... sume paperwork ak menjadi kenyataan...from a dh berjalan bisnes tu...padahal time blajar dlu ak failed bab paperwork...
so, kesimpulan kat sini..dimana ada kemahuan disitu ada jalan...mcm bos ak..
amik chemical engineering... tup2 jadi Bisnes Dev Mnager... x ke len dri yg len...
kalo kite nk ikot ape yg kite nak..smpai bile pon kite x berjaya... kite perlukan sdikit flexibility... k?
papepon...chaiyoo my fwen...
to tell u the truth...i ppon never tot akan end up keje nih..(gomen servant)..plan lain jd lain.
tp like yr fren said, kena b flexible..we are what we want to be:)
btw..i can prove you thth bisness itu tidak memenatkan..ttp sgt enjoy! lg enjoy dr being PTD (peg tadbir diplomatik) nih;))
wanna know more? pls visit my blog
thanks for ur comment chek2 sume..kekkekeke
the truth is i like what i've been done now but i'm bored where i have to do same thing EVERYDAY...
kalo la aku leh lompat2 keje kn besh..
*ama..aku mo keje tmpt ko gaji aku musti same ngn skang..hahhah
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