Monday, December 21, 2009

four days off!!!

di kebosanan opis yg senyap sunyi ni, aku cuba wat bising ngn munyik keypad yg xbrape nk besh...
my day off start on Thursday..lucky the doctor allowed me to change the sick leave date..sneaky sneaky!!
with my 1st plan to make mash potato *credit to taught me well dear..

Let me share wif uolls how to make the best mash potato so u don't have to waste ur money to get kentang putar KFC ok..

what you need are;
  1. Potato (of course la kn..jgn ckp kambeng lak)
  2. onion
  3. cream cheese or cheese with UHT cream milk
For black pepper gravy are;

  1. Chicken cube
  2. black pepper
  3. tomato sauce
  4. kicap
  5. marjerin or butter
  6. wheat flour
  1. boil the potatoes and onion. It's unnecessary to boiled onion with it but just to get the taste..
  2. so bile dh empuk btol2, lenyek kentang tu ngn cream cheese td..
  3. utk lembut kn de, masuk kn UHT CREAM MILK..
For Gravy,
  1. boil the chicken cube
  2. masuk kan black pepper yg dh ditumbuk or blender
  3. masuk kn kicap *utk dpt kn warna hitam jek
  4. masuk kan sos tomato sikiiittt jek
  5. campur kan marjerin, tepung gandum ngn air dlm bekas lain..then masuk kan bahan ni ke dalam gravy yg tgh dimasak td..
  6. kacau gravy tu sampai marjerin ngn tepung td larut ok..*xlarut sket2 pon xpe
tadddaaaaa....daaahhh siappp...

back ground tidak menarik ngn lapik surat khabar sebab time ni anak buah aku dh bwk lari mende alah ni gi depan tv dh sedia utk di tarah..
pengkritik jujur aku, makcik yah ckp sedap..
well kalo makcik yah dh ckp sedap, tapayah la dgr org len komen...kalo yg ckp xsedap tu dorng mmg pendengki..
end of my first day off!!

Second day off filled with full of laughter and gossip
i have spend a very good time wif my girls ..
we (semah, ama, aku) went out on Friday for a little shopping, watch movie and lunch..
i think it's been 2 or 3 month we were not seeing each other and we enjoyed the lunch date at secret recipe (which i really enjoyed to had orange and apricot slur ntah ape ntah eja nye) before SANTAU movie..
luckily it was BEFORE we watched movie..
mmg disgusting gile that movie..they used a lot of telor..yaakkkss..bweekkkk...
sumpah aku xmkn telor pasni...
nk tau gi nenguk cite tu sndri sbb everytime aku nk cite kt org msti aku yg loya dl..ama..ko betanggungjwb atas ini ok sbb ko yg suggest cite tu..huhuhu
photos didn't taken sbb semah kate ari tu de burok..

The next day chek dol and I went to his cousin engagement at Memorial Toh Puan ape ntah dekat ngn Masjid Negara..
kalo korang ingat lg entry aku yg dok kutuk2 Akhil Hayy ngn Wahida kn..
mmg aku anti ngn dorng ni..skali tunang cousin chek dol adalah cousin rapat kpd Wahida..
ha hamek kauu...beria2 ko kutuk dua makhluk tu..
all Wahida's siblings were there and of c
ourse she came with Akhil Hayy..
ha dok bepegang2 tangan Wahida dh betutup sume..nmpak mata jek..
chek dol lak sebok mo amek gambo ngn Akhil..Iskkk...
nyampah kerana chek dol aku amek gak la gamba dorng..

yok ooo jek nk amek gambo tp pandang kamera org len..bole??

aku join cousin chek dol..walaupon dorng xbrape nk matured tp layan kn gak..sbb aku xpakai baju kurung..dorng pon same..tu yg bole jd geng..

End of my third day off!!

My fourth day off filled with sleeping and massaging..huahuahua..
thanx to chek dol yg wat aku rase rumah ku spa ku..

"Dear Monday, why do you have to come again and again? Do you know that I hate you because you keep anoying me with holiday blues...huh Monday"

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